Hai! I'm Vinny :) :) Welcome to my Dreamy Blog...... I hope You had happy reading here :) :).......Thank You for Visiting

Friday, 27 February 2015

My wish list :) :)

My wish list :):)
My wish list :):)

21 wishes I have dreamed 

Hi! I'm back with my wish list. Umm….Please! don’t doze off!……there are only 21 wishes in my list. Of course the list was growing……you may never hear the word, end of list, if I don’t break it. So, I’m going to mention some of my wishes only. Umm! ….
Find "21 things about me" here
Come on! Join with me!

              It was very delightful when we embrace at the things we want.!
Lets Start....... :) :)

Join in the church Choir Make sure to prepare your list toooo but after reading my list.

1.    Join in the church choir. 
2.    Again I want to get offer letter from Quintiles. This time I don’t want to reject it. I felt so sad after rejecting the offer letter. That’s why! [Don’t reject the offer *Magic* when it knock down on your door]  
Never underestimate the sparkle in the magic.

I want to make sure to send a birthday wish  to anyone .
3.    I want to make sure to send a birthday wish  to anyone on this earth (If I knew it was his/her birthday), even to a stranger too.

4.    I want to have my own pets, aquarium (I love fishes). I love Rabbits, such a lovely creatures.  

Find "21 things about me" here
I love pets.

5.    I love making greeting cards – till now I only gifted my greeting cards to my best buddies, [I hope! God is in search of someone to me] I have to send soo many [may be Zillion times] to my boy.*Giggles* *Shy*

6.    I wish to be in artistic field like Music, Interior designing [But for me it’s an Undreamable wish]

7.    Smile and Laugh more.
Smile and Laugh more
stellar8.    To wear pink frock with pink crystal barrette. *On coming Birth Day* *Stellar *
*All I need is a hug of Hope*
9.    Want to keep away wasting time. Want to make hay while the sun shines. *All I need is a hug of Hope*

10. Make someone smile every day. Inspire someone.
11. Eat only Chocolates and ice creams for dinner, yummy….. yumm…..yum!
I Know I'm Little fatty...........But I love Ice creams.
I Know I'm Little fatty...........But I love Ice creams
I Know I'm Little fatty...........But I love Ice creams.
Compose a song and dedicate it to the one I love. *Wink*Compose a song and dedicate it to the one I love. *Wink*
12. Help someone in need.

13. To pursue -violin, piano, guitar.(Long lasting wish) 
Compose a song and dedicate it to the one I love. *Wink*
To improve my faith in God more and more!
14. I'm spiritual – Kind of, I just need to improve my faith in God more and more!
15. Paint my walls with pink and deep violet colors. And want to get all my favourite pictures framed.
16. I would love to visit Jerusalem before I die
17.     Don't bug people. I don’t want to disturb anyone that’s why I’m not using my cell phone since 6 months. ‘cause I’m using my land phone haha…………..
18. I want to meet my best buddies from my childhood.
Meet my best buddies from my childhood.
19.To sleep more.
To sleep more.

20. Want to be with Mom and Dad forever.
21.        Heheeee! I'm going to start new list :)
                                     the list is growing ...
Find "21 things about me" here

Vinny's wish list.................. :) :)
With Smiles
 Vinny Evelyn

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

21 Things "About Me"! [Yeah! Only About me!]

The list was growing.....growing......and growing!

When I started writing the list, it was growing.....growing......and growing! Like a never ending list [Hey! Don't run away] I shortened the list. *smiles*

Hi! I'm Vinny. Nice to Meet you!
     I want to post this for the friends who wish to know about me. If you are one of them………..then why are you getting late to read this? Just continue reading.
Everything I'm going to write is true to myself. *I Swear*
Here we Go!
Of course, if you are my best buddy you will know all these things.*Just check once*.

Ho! I'm very glad that you are finally going to read this post.

The things that describes me:

1.I strongly believe that, Author of my life is Jesus.

2.I'm a girl with simple desires and I enjoy every little pleasure in my life.

3.I'm kind of reserved type.Highly sensitive Typically strong enough. 
A simple kind of girl

4.I love Editing pictures, making greeting cards(everlasting interest), Blogging (recently started to)

5.I love my Mom, dad & sis more than anyone in this world.

6.I don't talk much. For sure every spoken word is definitely from my heart.

7.I can apologize; I don’t care it’s my fault or yours.[No space for Ego in my heart 'cause my heart is already filled with......fillllllled with BLOOD *Wink*]

No Space for EGO

8. I'm fanatical about scientific articles. I already won two books filled with scientific articles with my comments over there.
I don’t like to be ignored
I don't like to be ignored.

9.I don’t like to be ignored, especially by the ones I really like. *If my besties do that, I just......I  will justtttt .......rings their phone to scold them*[That's me hmm.....!] *haha*

10. If I ever did a Msg to you, you are definitely in my top best buddies list ‘cause I hate chatting or Messaging , whether it may be on social network or through my phone [I don’t know why][Even though I Msgd you.*Friendship*]. I just hate messaging re, I want to change it but noway I still hate it.(That’s why my close friends calls me like, hey! Land phone!) umm....... *shrugs* 

Beauty is the reflection of  heart. Just inside out from the heart.
11. I believe that, the beauty is the reflection of  heart. Just inside out from the heart. 

12.  I'm far away from anger; if you ever experienced angriness from me, you are very close to me because probably angriness is unknown option to me. 

13.I love to decorate Christmas tree. Christmas is my favourite festival.  

I can walk in you way!In your shoes!
14. I can put myself into the shoes of the other person and think from his/her point of view.

15. I hardly show my emotions to others. *Mostly I bottle up my feelings*

I Bottle up my feelings......;) ;)

16.I love chocolates, ice-creams [I eat chocolates at mid night *crazy*, ummm this is worst hobby. I want to change it because of this I got so many shouting’s from my Mom yarrr! ] 

17.I love my cousins and my besties more than myself.  

I love my cousins and my besties more than myself.
18.I learnt lot from my mistakes.

19.I never ignore my friends. If I did that, it definitely means I'm in deep hurt. Umm....*True*
[Note: I swear!Before IGNORING I will do possible measures to hold them and I will cling to them . Even though if they don't care. Oooops! it's not my mistake] *Hurt*

20.The most common compliments I get are “You’re sweet”. And also you’re childish. [I don’t know whether it is a complement or not ……I pooled it in my complements list haha…..*giggles* *crazy*]

21. I look very innocent but I'm crazy inside. Haha…….. *Silly* *crazy*
                                                         [Find "My wish list"- here]
“You’re sweet”. And also you’re childish. I'm crazy inside. Haha…….. *Silly* *crazy*


Oh! My God! You had finished reading the post.For sure, definitely you had the features to became a good friend. By this I conform that you care about your friends much, because I'm a stranger to you even though you make your valuable time available to read "about me *Sooooooo Sweet of you!*. How lucky your friends are! I'm just jealous of your close besties!*Wink*
        It's very sweet of you! Keep smiling! Keep Caring! Keep your Besties forever!
                With Love and Smiles  
                 Vinny Evelyn
 [Find "My wish list"- here]

Monday, 23 February 2015

Coming soon.........

                         Yeah! very soon.......
                                                  With the post which describes about me and my wishes in my life.
                                                                                                                                           Stay tuned.         * With Giggles*
     Vinny Evelyn

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Yeah! There is magic around us (Don't forget the magic around You!)

Written for: https://housing.com/lookup.  Do visit: https://housing.com/lookup.
                                                                                 +Housing.com #lookup                         Life sometimes closes our eyes, probably our busy schedules in life which didn't allow us to look at simple, precious and priceless magics around us. Yeah! believe me one day I got a chance to  #Look Up  at one of these magics.
             [ when I was getting back to home on a bus after a long tiring day with my project work]
[Yeah! I'm thinking about my project work. Untill now I changed 3 projects but even didn't get the proper results. I'm getting tensed because the submission date was very closer.  But after this situation my tired weird face turned into glowing onemy optimism increased and hope on my project doubled]
 Here we go,
When we see the smiles of a little baby definitely we felt like the purest thing in this world is smile…..It will refresh our mood.
          I'm totally tired with my project work, on the bus even there is no gap to drop a sand Gray ..........after so much waiting I got a seat and of course I got squeezed between 2 jumbo sized people, with me now total 3 jumbos on the seat haha ;) ;) hoo! Just stop there! Don’t laugh much…I was just little chubby that’s it....... umm! *giggles*. 
                            After grabbing my place, I was totally struck with my thoughts. Suddenly my hair was pulled back, as I'm flying with my thoughts, I don’t even saw who pulled my hairs. I unknowingly tucked my hair back to my ear and went back into my thoughts.
*Smiles*           Do you know what happened? 
Someone pulling my hairs again and again…..with a tired and straight sort face I turned my head……. After that, the edge of my lips took the curve *Smile* and my tired weird face turned into glowing one. You know!One little kid stretched his hands out towards me. I just pampered with his looks and I took him…..his little cute face made me laugh again and again and my cheeks *blushed*. I just shared my chocolate with him.
*Smiles*                            Every day it took 30min to reach my stop, but that day I felt like I reached my stop within 30 sec. I want to play with him some more time…. I got an idea - to continue my journey to the next stop [clover no?] but I'm tired.  So, I dropped my plan. When I'm going to stepping down the bus, that cute little one with his little hand gave me a handshake and waved his hand saying bye….bye…
                                  I was totally refreshed with his smile.
                                                     There is magic in smile
After going to the home, when I'm thinking about that little cute chubby baby I got an idea which changed my entire project results 
                    Do you want to now how this situation changed the destiny of my project work?
As a pharma student, I'm working on a project related to extended-release tablets but it was very tough to get the results. After meeting this little baby, I got an idea to work on pediatric medicine [ Medicines for children]. And the project was succeeded and I got a certificate for my success. 
Believe in the magic of *Togetherness*
If  you are busy with your work and didn't even observed the colourful rainbow........then where is the magic, If you don't observe?
      Just take some time from your watch to #Look Up
at the colours of flowers, Glowing stars, little baby smiles, designs of butterfly wings with your *magical heart* Positive thoughts* everything looks magical and fills your heart with magic.                 
 *Those who  believe in magic’s will definitely find them*
                   Yesssssssss! The magic is in you, in your heart and your thoughts.
And we may feel that everything looks fading.  Sometimes everything seems black and white……Just! Getup! And with your *magical heart* and *Positive thoughts* paint everything around you with bright magical colours. [I paint my world with pink color ‘cause I love it….mm ;)*silly*]                                
 Life sometimes takes us through the rough road; it only means that you’re heading towards something PRECIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL. Live in the moment, smile as much as you can and say “I love you life”.
A little magic can take you through the long way.

    A little optimistic thought can take you through the long way.

     Keep your heart with positive thoughts................
      Spread your wings with optimism.....................
                                                            Don't forget the magic around You!

With magical heart,
Vinny Evelyn

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